Monday, June 06, 2005

My Fresh Start in Life

I have the shakes this morning, so typing this may prove somewhat difficult. I had a little intervention with myself this weekend, and made myself admit that, yes, I have an addiction, and the only way I can deal with it is to cut it off cold turkey. Fortunately, I haven't had the addiction for too long. My wife got me hooked several months ago. It started off simply enough...just some recreational use, but then it began to take over my life. I had to have my fix on a daily basis, sometimes consuming hours of my time.
As you have probably guessed, and I am ashamed to admit it, but admit it, I will - I'm hooked on Tetris. How evil is it for those cell phone people to make it possible to play that dad-blasted game on my cell phone. I found myself sneaking out to the car to play a game or five of Tetris. I tried to analyze my dependency. I assured myself that I kept on playing only in an effort to get better. It's really a good sign, I'd convince myself...a sign that I am constantly trying to better myself.
And, of course, it helped my hand to eye coordination, which at my age is something I need to be concerned with.
But, I couldn't explain away the fact that I'd wake up at three in the morning thrashing about looking for my cell phone. I'd lie in bed for a couple of hours "improving my coordination."
My wife threatened to go sleep in the other room. I don't know how she could hear the almost silent clicking. I had muted the sounds that accompany the game. But, she'd wake up out of a dead sleep as soon as I started playing. And, let me tell you, she wasn't a happy camper.
But that's all behind me now. I've saved my marriage. I'm putting my life back together again. Last night, I deleted Tetris from my phone. Sure, it was hard. Sure, I wept openly after having done it. But I did it.
Life is good. I'm going to take time to smell the roses, so to get reacquainted with my spend the rest of my life in worthwhile pursuits.
Yes, I'm glad I got that Tetris monkey off my back. Things are looking up. I'm sitting here contemplating how I can spend those precious moments that go by so quickly. And it just dawned on I'll have more time to do something I haven't done in quite a while, thanks to that darned Tetris. I'll be able to go back to a love I used to have, and yet, had almost forgotten about. Wow, this is great. I'm going to have time for computer solitaire.