Thursday, June 09, 2005

More Senseless Acts of Random Thinking

My poor brain has been working overtime lately, and the only way to relieve some of the pressure is to just start blathering about things I've been thinking about. There's no pattern here, just a bunch of thoughts about different things. But, until I let off some of the pressure, I won't be able to engage in any serious, philosophical thought, for which I am, I'm sure, famous.
One thing that occurred to me the other day as I was putting on a new tie my wife bought at Marshall's, is that when it comes to men's fashions, as long as you put an Italian name on the label, most of us guys are going to assume we're wearing something that's top of the line. Oh, a Valerio Garati, I thought as I looked at the label on the back of the! Then it dawned on me. I've never heard of Valerio Garati. In all probability there is no Signore Garati, but because his name ends with the letter "i", I'm impressed. The label could have just as well said Francos Spaghetti and I'd have felt rather stylish wearing the tie. Why those marketing people have got me again. Shame on me, I thought.
Speaking of shame (and I do love a good segue), I've said it before, and I'll say it again...right now. The people who write the local news should be ashamed of themselves. They just don't get it. There was a story this morning about the high school coach who was driving the bus when the young student got off and was struck by a hit-and-run driver. The story said the coach had been charged with a misdemeanor. Then as a dramatic conclusion to the story, the reporter added, "If found guilty, he could face a fine of up to five hundred dollars!"
Did the person who wrote that think that the five hundred dollar fine was the most crucial element of the story. The way the reporter read it, I thought she was going to say the guy would be taken outside and shot. The guy, probably a good guy, made a horrible mistake...a mistake he's going to have to live with the rest of his life. The family of the girl who was killed will never be the same, and these people at the local TV station seem to think that the real tragedy here is a five hundred dollar fine. Things like this just really irritate me.
Speaking of TV news, I saw a woman being interviewed on the news this morning. Her house had been burglarized and the woman was telling the reporter, "They (the thieves) literally went through the bottom drawers." I'm kind of wondering if there's any other way for the thieves to have gone through the drawers. If they'd done it figuratively, I wouldn't think there'd have been a story. But, maybe that's just me.
Well, I'm glad to have gotten these things aired out. I feel my brain start to relaxing just a bit. So, excuse me while I go back to some deep thinking. I'm on the verge of figuring out where that pocket watch came from in the movie Somewhere In Time. And, as soon as I have the answer, you'll be the first to know.