How about those suicides in Guantanomo? I guess those terrorist really showed us a thing or two, huh? That'll teach us to try and imprison those fellows.
And, hey, what about that big bus boycott in Richmond today? What if they gave a boycott and nobody didn't come? That's kind of the way it was. Although the local head of the NAACP did have a clever line. He said city officials (as in Mayor Governor Wilder) think more of black bears than they do black people. You know, when folks come up with such brilliant sound bites, it just naturally makes you to respect them and their cause all the more.
I guess the point I'm trying to make is that there seems to be an international pandemic of stupidity. It's like virtually everyone has lost the ability to think reasonably and to keep their big mouths shut when all they have to say is something asanine.
Even Ann Coulter seems to have lost it. I always kind of liked her, and, I think she makes a lot of sense most of the time, but why would she publicly call 9/11 widows "witches" and accuse them of using their husbands' deaths for their own political gain? I mean, for heaven's sake, even if you believe it (even if it's partially true), keep your big mouth shut. You just come off looking stupid.
Of course compared to that idiot in California who sued to have the phrase "In God We Trust" taken off of currency, because, he said, as an atheist, the phrase violated his consitutional rights, Coulter seems downright brilliant.
Really, I'm not kidding. There's a super-normal plague of stupidity that's settled in on the world. Did you hear the press conference regarding the bombing of Zarqawi?
Some of the journalist were more concerned about the obese (now dead) terrorist master mind than they were about the Maymont bears. Go figure.
I believe if Hitler were alive today, there'd be a large number of media folks who'd view him as simply misunderstood and in need of some TLC. It's funny, on one hand, we're becoming a more violent world, and on the other hand, we want to pollycoddle every ne'er do well who straps on the dynamite and decides to blow himself and a bunch of his enemies up.
Maybe it's just me. Maybe everybody else gets it, and I'm just an uneducated boob. Perhaps I'm losing it. Next thing you know, I'll be getting up at three in the morning to watch the World Cup. If it comes to that...just shoot me.
Monday, June 12, 2006
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