Friday, May 06, 2005

Finders Creepers

Brandon Fizer has got to be one of the unluckiest guys I've heard of. Or, at the very least, he's having a bad week. Fizer is the ice cream shop employee who lost a finger in a mixing machine earlier this week. Now, that's relatively unlucky. But, of all the customers who frequent the popular Wilmington, N.C. shop, it's also just Fizer's (bad) luck that the creep who gets the finger in his pint of custard won't give it back.
Now, I know there are a lot of bad people in the world today, but I really believe that most of us would have given Fizer his finger. Most, but not Clarence Stowers. Seems Stowers is so concerned about making big bucks in a lawsuit, that he's hidden the finger which could possibly still be of some use to its owner.
I've heard the old "finders keepers" poem, and I've also heard it said that possession is nine tenths of the law, which I totally don't understand, but it would seem to me that if you wound up with another guy's finger in your mouth, you'd give it back to him.
Really, is a judge going to reward Stowers a larger settlement if he the finger into court with him? No one is disputing that Stowers found the finger in his custard, and, in my opinion, if I were the judge, I'd give him more money for letting the finger's original owner have it back.
Now, it's true that medical authorities have said that it's probably too late for the finger to be reattached to Fizer's hand, but, even so, it's bound to have more sentimental value to Fizer than to just about anyone else. So come on Clarence, take a picture of you with the finger in your mouth, and take the picture into court with you. And then give the poor guy his digit back.
And, by the way, to those of you creeped out by this story, you may feel better that it's being reported in the news that those who study such things are offering assurance that finding human body parts in food items is somewhat rare. Gee, I'm glad that piece of information came across the wire, I was getting hungry.

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