Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Everything is Beautiful, Darn It

This is one of those days when I have absolutely no opinions on anything. I've tried to come up with something that disgusts me, and the disgusting thing is, I can't think of anything. I know the problem. I had a cup of coffee this morning. I should never drink coffee before trying to write this blog thing. Why? Because coffee has me feeling so euphoric that I can't do my job. I feel that I've been entrusted with a great responsibility...that of pointing out the random acts of stupidity that go on all around us. But, give me one cup of coffee and I just want to embrace my fellowman in some sort of group hug and say, "I love you all."
As the great philosopher, Rodney King, so eloquently put it, "Can't we all just get along." That's really how I feel at this moment as I'm riding the crescendo of a caffein-induced high. I find myself humming "Everything is Beautiful," which makes me wonder what ever happened to Ray Stevens. Talk about talent, now that man had it. And, here I am not even knowing if he's dead or alive. I find a tear welling up in my eye. I know it's just the coffee talking, but, somehow I feel that I never fully let Ray Stevens know just how much joy he brought into my life.
For that matter, I never let Rodney King know how much he influenced my life, as, I'm sure, he did so many of you. If ever anyone qualified for speedy entry into sainthood, somehow, I feel it should be Rodney King. I wonder if Pope Benedict has thought about that.
While I'm feeling so up, maybe I should take a moment and apologize to all the local TV news writers and reporters. I know that I've said some nasty things about you. I know that I've hinted on more than on occasion that most of you are, in all likelihood, idiots. And, even though that is how I truly feel, somehow, I find myself tuning in to see your work on a nightly basis. You do bring happiness to my life, and all I ever do is mock you, deride you, belittle you. And, for that, I'm deeply sorry.
Yes, I come to you this morning doing penance for my past transgressions against you. There's only one thing I'm more sorry for, and that's that you haven't done anything really stupid in the past couple of days that I can write about. Thanks. Just when I need you, you desert me. You reduce me to writing tripe like this.
Hey, the coffee must be wearing off. I'm getting really irritated again. It's going to be a great day after all.

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