Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Took Took Tookie, Goodbye

Rumor has it that washed up television star and political activist, Ed Asner is slated to take over Paul Harvey’s Rest of the Story program once network officials discover that Harvey has been dead for over five years. I say this is a rumor, but, truth be told (or, maybe not), I have obtained Asner’s script he used to audition for the job. And, I’m going to share it with you. Here goes:

Tookie grew up in rough neighborhoods. In order to protect himself and others from gangs, he started his own gang. In February 1979, Tookie holds up a 7-Eleven, and, in the process, he kills a clerk. The clerk is taken into the backroom and shot twice in the back at close range.
Less than two weeks later, Tookie kills again. This time a motel owner, his wife, and daughter. And, again, he shoots them at close range. Witnesses later testify that Tookie laughs at the gurgling sound the man made while dying.
Tookie is convicted or murder and sentenced to die. While in prison, Tookie claims he’s seen the light. He claims to have turned his life around. Tookie even writes children’s books denouncing violence. But there are many doubters. Many are convinced there is no true repentance. The governor refuses to stay his execution.
Perhaps, you’ve guessed by now. This lying murderer is none other than George “Tookie” Bush. Only now you know the rest of the story.

Okay, I admit it. I made that whole thing up. But, there is an underlying point here. I don’t make many valid points, so I hope you’ll take note of this one. My point is totally non-political, but does it seem strange that entertainers like Asner, Ted Danson, Richard Dreyfuss, Elliott Gould, and others, rail against the President of the United States, some even comparing him to Hitler, while petitioning for mercy for a cold-blooded killer?
Asner, who has supported Planned Parenthood, an organization that wholeheartedly endorses abortion, doesn’t seem to mind the murder of innocent babies, innocent 7-Eleven clerks and innocent motel owners. But he’s offended by the execution – not the murder, but the execution – of Tookie Williams. Go figure.
Ted Danson has campaigned to “keep abortions safe,” using the coat hanger in a back alley scare tactic employed by so many pro-choicers (sometimes pronounced pro-abortionists). He wants to keep abortions safe. He wants to keep Tookie Williams alive (or wanted to, anyway). Too bad he isn’t interested in keeping our children safe from gang members like Tookie Williams.
It really is a crazy, mixed-up world. I can understand concerns about capital punishment. There are obvious flaws and inconsistencies in our judicial systems, but what I can’t understand is why so many of those who are against capital punishment are in favor of abortion. Okay, let’s assume that Tookie Williams really did change. Let’s give him the benefit of the doubt. I could believe your sincerity if you were also in favor of giving that fetus the benefit of the doubt. Maybe it really is a human life growing in the womb. Gee, what a shocking thought.
I read an interesting comment once that compared the ancient pagan ritual of sacrificing children in the fire, to modern-day abortions. The comment basically was that in ancient times, women sacrificed their children on the altar of Molech. Today, many women sacrifice their unborn children on the altar of convenience. I think there’s a lot of truth to that. In fact, I think that comment may very well be the rest of the story.


Anonymous said...

I respect those who don't believe in the death penality for religious reasons. I also understand the concerns that in the flawed justice system, some innocent people have perished.

Of course, I feel it's an eqaul injustice when the likes of Dennis Rader "BTK" can revel in his crimes. He doesn't deserve life and death is too good for him.

If "Tookie" had stood up and said, 'Yeah, I did it and I apologize. There's nothing I can do to undo the damage I did' then I'd feel a bit of sympathy toward him.

Let's assume he didn't do the crimes he was charged for. As leader and founder of a street gang, which committed crimes, including murder, he bears responsiblity for those crimes, and therefore the bloodguilt.

I think I'd prefer the death penalty to life in prison. Prison is no picnic, those who leave are not prepared for a post-prison realities. Instead of a place of reform, it makes some worse off before.

Anonymous said...

Dear Mr. Anonymous,

That's all well and good. You talked about 'accepting responsbility', and I agree.

But when I person says, 'I take total responsbility', what does that even mean anymore? Along with accepting responsbility comes repercussions along with restitution. Otherwise it is just an empty phrase, like uttering say 'I won't rest until everyone who wants a job gets one' and then you off on some vacation and are waited on hand and foot, not even carrying a wallet.

How many times do criminals make any sort of financial recompense for thier crimes? Instead of sitting around, or even receving some "post-prison" benefits, maybe they should be compensating thier victims.

Now, in regard to some folks who say, certain world leaders are worse than Hitler: for those people suffering because of that leader's actions or inactions, they are right. After all, Hitler is dead. As vile as he was, he hasn't harmed anyone in sixty years. There's something about death that does that to people. Take, Mozart. Since his death, his music career hasn't been the same.

But seriously, the reality is people are suffering. No matter how good or dedicated or hard working a person is, jobs are ripped from under them, sometimes sent thousands of miles away to what is tanamount to slave labor. Every year, more people die because they can't afford medical treatment, then perished on 9/11. When it comes to helping people there never seems to be enough money, yet when it comes to fighting a war, there's lots to go round, at least borrow.

Reports are falsified, for instance, take the one that counted working at fast food joints as manufacturing. How can we believe other reports? How about the arms that were twisted during the ratification of CAFTA?

32000+ people have died over WMD that didn't exist, false claims were made that linked Iraq to 9/11. Who holds the 'bloodguilt? Crazed religious fantatics in the middle east? Yes, in part. But much has to go back to the one who started the war to begin with.

So it's not suprising that some are hurt by certain policies and rail against certain world leaders, or compare them to other world leaders-- as dead as they are.

But then let's not mistake the glove for the hand, as horrific as the glove is, or as shiny as it may look to some. Gloves have come and gone, but the same evil hand has been there all the time.

Anonymous said...

Dear Anonymous (the second poster),

How did you know it was Mr. Anonymous? For the record, your right. Second, it's ironic that you posted Anonymous, while seeming to point out that I did... hmmm...

Yours Truly,
MR. Anonymous

Steve Cook said...

You two anonymi are way too deep for my poor little brain.

Anonymous said...

I can't believe I'm about to type this(What have I become?): LOL

Not too many poor little brain's have heard of Molech.

Steve Cook said...

Maybe you've become an astute, albeit anonymous poster of rather erudite comments. Just a thought.

Anonymous said...

Not so erudite as not to have to go to and look up erudite.