Friday, June 10, 2005

Meanwhile, Back At The Ranch

To compare the goings on around the Santa Maria, California courthouse, to a circus is to bring the diginity of the big top down to a new low. It's unbelievable. But, as I reflect on it, it really is more entertaining than the circus. In fact, if they would take the cast of characters from Jackson's trial on tour, I'd sure pay good money to go and see them.
Hollywood's best script writers couldn't begin to dream up the players in this true story. Think about it. At the very center is Michael Jackson himself. You wouldn't think it could any better than that when it comes to weird, but surround the aging, aching "king of pop" with his entourage and you have yourself quite a show.
I mean, who could have thought of adding Jesse Jackson to the mix? Jackson (the Jesse variety) is being called Jackson's (the Michael variety) spiritual advisor. Reportedly, the Rev is encouraging the King to switch his pruriant interests from little boys to young women.
Next, throw into the picture, Michael Jackson's abusive (if you can believe what you read) father, running around the courthouse demanding to see his son. His son, of course, is not at the courthouse, because he's being smuggled in and out of a local hospital. Seems his father saw a lot of Neverland autos heading out of the compound and decided that a verdict was about to be announced. Hasn't he been around his son long enough to realize that the fleet was just heading out to the local carwash? I mean, really, any forty-something man on trial for child molestation, who wears lipstick into court, is just naturally going to want to put first things first and make sure his cars are kept clean.
Meanwhile, down at the hospital, Michael Jackson's bodyguards are building scaffolding around the SUV, and draping sheets over the scaffolding, supposedly to shield the alleged pedophile from the press. Of course, the "boy on the hood" may have just wanted some privacy to practice a new dance routine on the SUV before entertaining the troops.
We can't overlook another co-star in the story, Majestik Magnificent, Jackson's so-called personal magician. I think the law requires that if a defendant cannot afford a personal magician, the court will appoint one. But, this guy is said to be a "close, personal friend of Jackson's, so I doubt he's been court appointed. Of course, if he were either majestik or magnificent, I'm sure he'd have made his friend disappear by now.
You'd think that would be enough entertainment for the fans, but wait there's more. Add to the mix a group of Jackson supporters from around the world, not only chanting "innocent, innocent," but demonstrating their recognition of innocence when they see it, by hurling obscene epithets at nearby reporters. It's gotten so bad that Court TV had to get a restraining order on one of Jackson's supporters, who was allegedly thretening their reporter. Reportedly, another, more rational supporter of Jackson is going through the crowd, using a hand-puppet to tell the true Michael Jackson story.
Lost in all this crazy, mixed-up story is whether Michael Jackson truly molests little boys, but, I guess, regardless of that minor detail, the whole thing is best summed up in an email supporting Jackson, which appears on a website dedicated to supporting Jackson. I'm going to quote here to conclude today's blog, but as you read this real (I swear I didn't make it up) email, keep in mind that earlier this week, I had made a somewhat sarcastic comment about how much one might like Jackson's hit song "Ben" from a couple of decades back. Here's the email:

Michael I have grown up with you and your music, your voice, your gift. Over 30 years of pure wonder, since the days of 'Ben' you have inspired me. Just know you are loved. The world is a better place with you in it! My teenage daughter keeps saying "why don't they just leave him alone!" The answer to that we will never have.

Hang in there MJ. Have faith, be strong.

Love always,
Jenni - Australia