Thursday, January 05, 2006

I Couldn't Sleep And That's No Laughing Matter

I had one of those insomniac nights last night. You know what that means - lots of late night television. And, let me tell you, as bad as TV is during primetime, it's much worse between midnight and six in the morning.
The first thing I realized as I watched a late-night repeat of the Tonight Show, is that I'm so old, I actually remember when Jay Leno was funny. Nowadays he's just a pathetic old man trying to act like he's young. Leno is not alone, however. There is very little intentional humor on TV overnight.
Conan had this smarmy little actor on. The guy looked like he should have been baking Keebler cookies, he was so tiny, and he had that typical "small-man" ego. He was talking about his great adventure in an underwater cage, photographing sharks. He was just beaming with excitement at hearing himself speak. He also showed a clip of a new TV show he's starring in. I think it's called Four Kings, but I'm not sure. But, let me warn you. If you see a show by that title, don't, I repeat, don't watch it.
He showed a clip of the show. Now, wouldn't you think that if you were going to show a clip of a new show, you'd pick the funniest moment to show? If the clip that ran is the funniest, you don't want to be anywhere near the program when it comes on.
I really do think most comedy writers today are guys, who when about age four or five, learned that if they said the word "poo-poo" they could get a laugh. Unfortunately, they progressed (from bad to worse) from "poo-poo" long ago. Each new show seems to try to out-rank the last show, and I do mean rank. If one believes that real humor is basically using dirty, or shocking, words, then that one should shy away from any comedy writing whatsoever.
Something that is funny on late night television are those commercials for telephone chat lines. These commercials show the most beautiful women and most handsome men sitting around the most gorgeous houses chatting it up with other beautiful people. There really should be some sort of truth-in-advertising laws to prohhibit that. Can you imagine what sort of people really do resort to those chat lines? If they looked like the people on TV, I can assure you, they're not sitting around the house alone at night talking to complete (and moronic) strangers.
On one commercial, the lovely woman was covered from head to toe with soap suds. She was saying, "I like to get in my bubble bath and call Tramp-Line." The real gals who use those chat lines probably get a bubble bath by being hosed down and brushed off with one of those industrial brooms.
The types of commercials shown on late-night TV doesn't say much about the median I.Q. of the late-night viewer. There was one infomercial from some organization called Professional Education Association. Wow! What an impressive-sounding company that is. I started to call and get me some of that education they were offering, but then I saw it was really Carlton Sheets. I guess he's giving instructions on operating a gas station. I'm not sure.
Anyway, I was finally lulled to sleep by Jay Leno's dulcet tones. That guy really isn't all...not even a little bit. And, it's not that I've lost my sense of humor. Actually, my sense of humor is as keen as it ever was. It must be. I still laugh uproariously at all of my jokes.