Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Marketing One Oh Dumb

I may be going out on somewhat of a limb here, but, in my honest opinion, all marketing people are idiots. Now, admittedly, I know that there is a real possibility that I'm just too old to dig the latest marketing jargon, but I saw a sign in a cell phone store at the mall the other day that left me scratching my head. The huge sign had a picture of a cell phone and beside the picture was this caption: "Hot enough to melt chocolate."
That baffles me on so many different levels. First of all, are there people out there looking for a cell phone to melt chocolate? And, if so, how does the cell phone do that? Do you place the phone on top of the chocolate, or do you flip open the phone and put the chocolate on the screen area? And, once the chocolate is melted, can you still use the phone for other things, such as making phone calls?
I didn't know there was such a need to melt chocolate in the first place, but whenever I do have such a need, I've always found an oven does a great job. Of course, unless we're talking M&Ms, just holding the chocolate tightly in your fist will often cause a meltdown. I got to thinking that maybe there are a bunch of folks who want to melt chocolate while in the car, but really, placing said chocolate on a hot radiator would probably melt it a lost faster than even the hottest cell phone would.
You can see my dilemma. I'm also wondering if the phone gets that hot, wouldn't that cause a degree of discomfort if you were trying to hold the phone to your ear. True, sometimes when I'm talking to my wife, the great conversationalist, the phone gets a little warm. But, I don't think even she has the ability to melt chocolate, via the cell phone anyway.
Maybe "hot enough to melt chocolate" is some sort of double entendre, and my brain is too single-entendred to catch on. Hmmm, I wonder what sort of euphamism, "hot enough to melt chocolate," is. So, back to my original point...the point about marketing people being idiots. Who could have come up with that slogan? Did a bunch of advertising execs, sitting around a big conference table, think that such a line was clever? Did they say, "Hey, we're selling cell phones here. A line about the phone melting chocolate is just what we need to put this campaign over the top."?
Probably so...because they're idiots. Really, when you think about it, only an idiot could think that was clever.
And, it's not just the big marketing campaigns that bring out the morons of marketing. I was in Walgreen's the other day and they had a printed sign (in other words, they didn't just get the 18-year-old stock clerk to scribble something down), which read: "Candy bars - $1.00 each or 3 candy bars for $3.00!"
Wow. Who could pass up a deal like that? Wouldn't it seem to you that even if no one caught the idiocy of that sign when they were laying it out or printing it, that someone would have somewhere along the lines have thought, hey, we're going to look like idiots if we put up a sign this stupid.
I'll tell you why no one ever suspected they would look like idiots. It's a very simple answer. Because they are idiots. Idiots don't recognize they're idiots. In fact, most idiots I know, and I know a bunch, think they're intelligent. In fact, most think they're very intelligent...geniuses even.
The sad thing about that is that when a true genius comes along...someone such as myself...the idiots don't even recognize it. And that's the pathetic story of my life.