Wednesday, December 28, 2005

These Are A Few of My Favorite Things, In Case You're Interested

After my column yesterday, I was deluged (okay one person) with questions such as, "Steve what exactly do you like in life?"
You want to know what I like? Would you like to know what are some of my favorite things, so to speak? Well, I could just come right out and tell you. But, I won't. In keeping with my true personality, I've decided to tell you in song. So, think Julie Andrews as I tell you some of my favorite things:

Tornado warnings and bird flue from China
A food poisoning scare from a quaint local diner
The grotesque facial contortions when Celine Dion sings
These are a few of my favorite things.

An angioplasty when they put the stent in
A political scandal involving a Clinton
The personal anguish that Nancy Grace brings
These are a few of my favorite things.

When all seems to be right.
And my friends are so happy,
And everything is first rate,
I simply remember my favorite things
And (yippee) I don’t feel so great.

My blood sugar soaring when I eat a cupcake
TV evangelists' smiles that we all know are so fake
The sickening feeling when your car’s engine pings
These are a few of my favorite things.

Vacant lots down in Shockoe instead of ballplayers
The constant objections of our governor-mayor’s
The R-Braves flying outa here, as if they had wings
These are a few of my favorite things.

When things seem to work out
When the news is all good
When everything seems so swell
I simply remember my favorite things
And (hooray) then I feel like heck.

Well, there, in a nutshell, are the things that I enjoy on this big round planet that I like to call Earth. Somehow just sharing this with you makes my day just a bit brighter. I hope you feel the same way too.