Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Race Related Decision

After much deliberation, I am ready to announce my decision as to which city will get the NASCAR Hall of Fame. Admittedly, my decision carries absolutely no weight, but given the fact that I am hardly, if ever, wrong, I think you will be (or should be) quite anxious to hear my decision.
I've reviewed each city in the running. Let me tell you why, or why not, for each city.
Daytona - Don't they have enough NASCAR stuff going on already? They don't need the Hall of Fame. It would be overkill. The France family has already taken the dingy-motel capital of the world and turned it into a stock-car racing junkie's mecca. So, Daytona will not get the nod.
Atlanta - Too far from the population base needed to make the facility a huge success. Besides, Atlanta is the Coca Cola capital of the world. You may not believe this, but I know all the capitals of the world. What self-respecting NASCAR fan wants to be associated with a SOFT drink. Milwaukee would be a better choice. But, Milwaukee isn't in the race.
Charlotte - Charlotte should really be named South Atlanta. It's just a smaller, even more boring, version of Atlanta. Don't get me wrong, Charlotte has done lots of things right and has far surpassed Richmond in many ways. Actually, if Richmond could get all it's council persons out of jail at the same time, it could give Charlotte a good fight for many businesses that have relocated there. But, Charlotte is not in the right location for the NASCAR Hall of Fame. And, one more thing, the France family may have some personal reasons not to want a little bad blood thing. But, I won't go into that here.
Kansas City, Kansas - Huh? KC says it should get the Hall because it's centrally located. Yeah, right in the middle of nowhere. Put the Hall in Kansas and everybody has to drive a long (albeit somewhat equal) distance to get there. But, really, I can sum up my main reason Kansas City won't get the Hall in five words - "Hey, it's in Kansas, people." Not since Dorothy, has anyone wanted to go to Kansas. I spent the longest day of my life driving through Kansas one time. Now, if you have a corn and wheat fetish, it is THE place for you, but if not, forget it.
Which brings us to Richmond. I think the group trying to get the Hall in Richmond should do one thing. And, this is free advice, so you guys better listen up. Call it the Richmond Region. Thankfully, RIR is in Henrico. If the proposal was to build the hall within the Richmond city limits, you can bet that it would be Richmond officials. I envision a day when, as you drive through Richmond, you'll see billboards, amidst run-down, abandoned buildings. The billboards will proclaim: "Here is where the stadium would have been," or "Here is where a Performing Arts Center was supposed to be built." Richmond, the only city in the United States to be ruled by a governor, is the biggest drawback to having the Hall in Richmond. But, if those NASCAR guys can be made to appreciate that the Hall is only NEAR Richmond, I think we have a good chance.
The Richmond Region is good. In fact it's so good that not even Richmond city officials can ruin it. It is near virtually anything and everything that anyone could ever want. And this area does indeed have a great NASCAR history.
I haven't seen the plans presented by the other cities. I don't like to clutter my brain up with too many facts. But, the plan presented by the local guys is good enough for any NASCAR fan.
Really, and I'm not prejudiced at all, Richmond is the only logical choice for the Hall of Fame. I am going to go out on a pretty strong limb and say Richmond will be the home of the Hall. You can take that to the bank. It's a done deal.
And, if for any reason the choice is not Richmond, there will be only one reason. It's the reason I use to help me deal with those many occasions when everyone else disagrees with me. If NASCAR doesn't pick Richmond, then clearly that organization is run by idiots.