Thursday, May 12, 2005

Rooting for Root Canals

I have never used a recreational drug in my life, and, truth be told, I really don't like taking any kind of pill (although, my briefcase does look like it belongs to a pharaceutical salesman), but I had sedation dentistry recently, and I'm here to tell you it's great. I may devote the rest of my life touting the benefits of sedation dentistry.
I had to have a root canal. Just the thoughts of it sent chills up my spine, or down my spine, I'm not sure which direction they were heading. It was my first time with a new dentist - and, if I may, let me send some shout-outs to Dr. Baxter Perkinson's team. They're fantastic. The doctor scheduled me for the root canal, and then gave me a prescription for a little pill - Halcyon, I think - to take about 2 hours before the procedure.
By the time I was dropped off at the dentist office (I'd been told not to drive), I was feeling a little care-free, but still relatively in control of my actions. When I sat down in the chair, I was offered the gas, or whatever it is and I gladly took it. The next thing of which I'm aware is being told the procedure was done. I hope I wasn't asked to spit, because I'm sure that would not have been done with maximum proficiency.
I have fuzzy memories of my wife picking me up when I left.
I have no memory of falling asleep in the mashed potatoes she claims I had for dinner. I slept like a baby that night and the next day I was refreshed and ready for work.
This is not an ad for my dentist, but I'd be happy to do one. Everything about my visit was very pleasant. The people are pleasant, the pills are pleasant, the gas was pleasant.
My only complaint is that all of the females in the office are very attractive, including my dentist. For whatever reason, I'm not crazy about pretty woman looking up my nose, and the position you're in when you're lying back in the dentist chair is optimum for looking up one's nose.
Except for that, my root canal is probably one of the nicest experiences I've had in quite some time. Maybe that says something about my life, I don't know. What I do know, is that I just felt a slight pain in another tooth. I hope I need another root canal.

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