Friday, November 18, 2005

If You Can't Say Something Bad About Someone...

Some people! I just don't understand the mentality of those who cherish and embrace the negative. I guess it's because I'm such a positive, glass-half-full sort of guy. I've always lived by the credo that if you can't say something nice about someone, say something bad, but try to get a laugh out of it.
But, on many occasions, you can find good things to say about a number of folks. I don't want to sound like Polyanna here, but most people whom I interview for our magazines, are down-right interesting, decent human beings. They may have a skeleton or two in their closets, but that's not what I'm looking for.
Now, you may be wondering, at this point, why I'm rambling on in such a manner. Okay, you forced it out of me. I'll tell you. Twice in recent weeks, after we'd done a story on an individual, we've received phone calls from others questioning us as to why we'd said such nice things about someone. Huh?
I could understand it if I had said something negative. But, how can you get upset when someone's stellar characteristics are discussed? I guess there are those who are so petty, so retributive (I think that's a word. If not, it should be), that it just galls them to hear good things about people they despise.
Come to think of it, on both occasions, the nay-sayers were friends of the ex-spouses of the individuals about whom we'd written. They say hell hath no fury blah blah blah. Must be some truth to that. (and yes, in both cases the ex-spouses were of the female variety)
I'm sure that in virtually all messy divorces there is enough fault to be able to apply some to both parties. Although, I do believe that in many, many such divorces, one of the mates is a lot more at fault than the other. I also believe that it's usually the guiltiest mate who is the angriest. Next time one of their close friends calls to complain because we said something nice about their friend's ex, I'll pretend to be interested in righting (and writing) my wrong.
I'll arrange to do an interview with the ex-mate. Let her (or, him) tell me their side. I'll act like I really believe them, then I'll write this great article really ripping them up one side and down the other.
Not only will it be fun, but I believe it's the least I can do to demonstrate how much I hate negativity. I don't know if they give any humanitarian awards out to people like me, but unless you're a close friend of an ex-spouse, maybe you can recommend me to be thusly honored. Thanks.

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