Monday, January 09, 2006

Mr. Fix-It

Once in a while, I feel compelled to take some time out from my rather mundane schedule and provide solutions to the world's problems. Now, keep in mind, folks, that I can't do this every time a problem arises, but I will help out whenever I get a few minutes. I think I have time for three today.
Problem #1 - How to enforce seat belt laws. In Virginia, the driver and front-seat passenger are required by law to wear a seatbelt, but law enforcement officers can't stop a car, simply because the seat belt law is being ignored. Lawmakers have tried to get that changed, but with no success. The solution is simple. If law enforcement officers would simply hold non-seat belt wearing drivers to the letter of the law, we'd all wear seat belts. I went through radar this morning on I-64. I was doing about 70 in a 65 mile-per-hour zone. I didn't even blink an eye. Well, that's not true, I blink a lot, but I didn't worry about going five miles over the limit. I've seen drivers, especially on the interstate, go through radar at well over ten miles above the speed limit and police didn't budge.
Now suppose the police started pulling over anyone on I-64 who wasn't wearing a seat belt, and who was going just one mile over the limit. Just let the word get out that that's what the police were doing, and I bet there'd be a lot more buckling up. Okay, one problem down.
Problem #2 - The Richmond Braves/NASCAR messes. We can't do anything about getting NASCAR, but Henrico should go after the Braves. I think it's doable. Build a nice park where the Hall was going to be. Put in some hotels, office buildings, restaurants and stuff, and, oh yeah, a slave museum, and voila, you have yourself a neat Henrico County sports/entertainment/cultural center. Maybe they could even build a performing arts center while they're at it. Then, instead of worrying about having to go downtown, everyone would flock to Henrico. And, as for funding this whole thing, I have the solution to that to (this is a freebie), sell more laptops.
Problem #3 - Here's the big issue that's been debated for years, and, this week, will get a lot more airplay, with that supreme court nomination thing going on. Let me use an illustration to once and forever settle this huge debate. If scientists found a rock on Mars and within that rock, they could hear a heartbeat, and when they poked at the rock, something inside it moved, and when they spoke to the rock, something inside it moved, what would the headline in all the papers proclaim? "Life found on Mars!" Right? Of course, right.
So, if you find the same thing, here on earth, in a woman's womb, what should we proclaim? Exactly. Problem resolved.


Anonymous said...

It would be nice if speeding fines weren't so regressive.

Let's say you're a rich CEO in a hurry to meet with a group of lobbyists in order to bribe lawmakers. At the same time, HR calls on the cell phone, and your too busy plotting to kick thousands of loyal employees onto the streets, to notice that the speed limit dropped from 55 to 35.

Well lo and behold, Mr. CEO would have to pay the same fines and insurance hikes, as the hardworking employee he's about to fire. To Mr. CEO, the penalities are nothing. To somebody out of work, on a way to a job interview, that's their means of survival.

Will any nominee side with Mr. CEO or the Mr. Hardworking? Doesn't Mr. Hardworking have the right to live too? Then why rob him of his means of living?

Anonymous said...

Here Anonymous (I), take these pretty little pills, and go lie down. Everything is going to be okay.
That's a nice blog responder. Oh yes, you are.
Now, don't we feel just a little bit calmer? Everything always looks a little better after we've had our medication, doesn't it?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous (II),

Maybe that's the problem with people, thier too doped up to see what's going on. Not on medication, though there's some of that, but laissez-faire propaganda that has the masses in a dreamworld. The same putrid propaganda that comes from the international community, the US & UK combo, and the real ruler over them, not to mention the prostitute he uses.

One things for sure, I don't put much stock in this or that nominee, no matter who they are or who appoints them. In the end, they all work for him.