Wednesday, March 01, 2006

What's A Nice Guy Like You Doing With A Joint Like This

Whew! I guess Lane Ramsey and the Chesterfield Chamber gang that couldn't shoot straight are breathing a sigh of relief today. Thanks to Steve Johnson, famed semi-porno prince of Richmond's school board, the guys in Chesterfield are looking pretty good.
What's an $18,000 chartered plane trip, followed by what some are calling nothing less than attempted bribery, compared to the ongoing shenanigans of Johnson. You remember, back in late 2005, he's the guy who stepped down as president of the city school board when it was discovered he had posted a semi-nude snapshot of himself on a gay porn internet dating site. And now, while embarking on a school board-related business trip, Johnson is discovered by airport police to be carrying three joints of marijuana.
But,hold on. Don't start jumping to conclusions. As school board member Carol Wolf is so quick to remind us, we shouldn't be judgmental. Johnson, she says, is one heckuva great guy. In fact, Wolf says it so sternly, that I'm feeling somewhat guilty for having been judgmental of poor, misunderstood Mr. Johnson.
Now, I will admit that Johnson has stated that he uses the marijuana for medicinal purposes. If memory serves, I think that's the same reason one of my uncles kept a little flask in his back pocket at all times.
But,what's Johnson's medical problem? Addiction to marijuana? I guess that would be many junkies' treatment of choice.
Anyway, Johnson has now resigned from the board, but heaven forbid you get the idea he's doing so because he's so filled with remorse over his ongoing wrongdoing. Nope, the only reason the guy's resigning is because he has to treat this "medical problem."
Oh yeah, there's one more reason Steve Johnson says he's resigning. In fact, he says he's been thinking about resigning for quite some time. His decision has nothing to do with the fact he's caught trying to sneak pot onto a plane. Nope, it's not about that at all.
He says he's lost his passion ever since the porn site incident forced him to give up his spot as president of the board. Poor thing. He's lost his passion. Seems to me that lack of passion has never been a problem. Maybe misplaced passion, now that might be a problem. From what I hear, he was pretty passionate when telling other visitors to that gay dating site just what he was looking for.
Of course, I'm not going to be judgmental. I don't want Carol Wolf to be able to accuse me of such a horror. And, obviously, if I become judgmental of someone who continues to do one stupid thing after another, there's really only one reason I would do so. Yep, you caught me. I must be homophobic.
Gee, how that term grates on my nerves. I'll tell you who's homophobic. It'd be anyone who is so afraid to somehow give the appearance that she condemns homosexuality that she'll wink at just about any horrendous, or just plain stupid, thing that the homosexual might do.
Hey, Ms. Wolf, if you condemn me for being judgmental, you must be heterophobic. You better watch out, you wouldn't want that moniker hung on you, would you?
Here's the deal. If you do something stupid, regardless of who or what you're sexually attracted to, we ought to be able to call you stupid. And, Steve Johnson is stupid.
He was carrying (hiding) illegal drugs. And, even after he's caught, he tries to minimize his stupidity as well as his arrogance by attempting to claim it was for medicinal purposes. Let the students in those schools he's supposed to be working for try and pull a stunt like that. Let's see how far the "medicinal purposes" excuse gets them.
Next thing we'll hear is that that female school teacher in Roanoke who was arrested for molesting teenage boys was doing that for medicinal purposes. And, we had better not be judging the poor lady, or else we might be accused of being pedophobic.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I was neither a poet,
nor the son of a poet,
a mover of symbols am I.

Ode To Steve Johnson II

To get to the point,
when you hopped a plane,
you got caught with a joint,
and started to complain:
"That's my med's!"
"I've lost my zeal!"
Well, take it to the Fed's,
and make an appeal.
Bribe your twin Chertoff,
he might go your way,
but don't take your shirt off,
or he'll chase you away.