Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Pet Peeves

I haven’t given out any Total Idiot of the Week Awards in quite some time. That’s not because there are no idiots out there. Just the opposite. There are so many they tend to blend together. Unfortunately for me, there hasn’t been any really good, new, unique stupidity lately. That is until Elaine Larable came along. Thank you Elaine. You have restored my faith in mankind.
I guess I should feel sorry for the poor gal. She’s sick. She’s vomiting and foaming at the mouth. How you do that at the same time, I’m not sure, but Elaine evidently has figured it out.
Elaine, a resident of Ottawa (that’s in Canada, for all of you who attend Richmond Public Schools), became ill after eating dog food. Now, when I first heard this story, I immediately began to feel sorry for Elaine. As you know, I have a heart as big as all indoors. I assumed she was some destitute old lady who had been reduced to eating dog food because she couldn’t afford human food, although, have you seen the price of dog food lately?
I wept a tear or two, then I continued to read the story. Elaine was not eating dog food because she couldn’t afford better. She was eating dog food in order to encourage her own doggie to eat it.
I’m picturing Elaine sitting in the kitchen with Fido in the high chair. “Open wide,” she’s telling her pet. “Here comes the chow chow choo-choo.” And, since the little fellow was a bit finicky, Elaine had to show him how tasty the food was. I guess Elaine was thinking that if it works for babies, it’ll work for dogs. After all, what is a dog, but a stinky, shedding, ugly baby.
Yes, you see Elaine’s real sickness is what I have diagnosed as Anthropomoronism. I’ve always been a bit put off by folks who treat their animals as if they are humans. I’ve seen mothers blame their kids for being bitten by the dog. They’ll send the kid to the room and give the dog a little treat to compensate for the trauma that Junior has put the animal though.
I’ve seen individuals who appear to be relatively normal in virtually every respect, but who put sweaters and pants on their pets and parade them through the mall. And, while I’m on the subject, what’s with these malls letting people bring their pets shopping with them. My foot is already a manure magnet. I just hate to have to worry about possibly stepping in something while trying on a $95.00 shirt at Brooks Brothers.
I’ve worked with people who give their dogs and cats Christmas presents, and, who actually get Christmas presents from their animals. Don’t ask me how that is done. I do wonder if dogs ever complain about Christmas becoming too commercial. Do you think the manger story has the same significance to a dog as to a human? I mean wouldn’t the dog be thinking, “Cool, he was born in a really swanky place.”?
I thought I’d seen every sort of pet idiocy imaginable. But Elaine Larable takes the cake, or the can of dog food. Can you imagine a woman so delusional that she really belives that by eating dog food she can be a source of encouragement to her dog? I would think eating dog food would be almost as bad as eating potted meat, or, even worse, Spam.
As is so often the case, my tender side has gotten the best of me. So, Elaine Larable, if you are well enough to be reading this, I truly am sorry, not only that you’re sick, but also for all the nasty things I’ve said about you. If you’re still feeling sick, may I suggest a sure-fire remedy. It’s a little health food item they call wheat gluten.


Anonymous said...

Yep, I agree:
(1) Eating dog food is going to an extreme.
(2) Humans are worth more than other biological lifeforms in terms of value.
(3) Humans are more advanced in all-round cognizance and emotional development (most humans, anyway).
(4) It's a mistake to always impute human motivations to non-humans.

Given that, there is nothing wrong with loving animal-kind. It's something imbedded upon from above, from one who notices a single sparrow, one who cares and provides for them, who not only spared a repentent city because of folks who didn't know thier left hand from thier right, but cared for many domestic animals besides. In fact, that one probably cares more about animals than humans do; most of us just have a dim reflection of that. The righteous one is CARING for the soul of his domestic animal. A good-hearted king empathized with a character in a story who loved a lamb LIKE an only-daughter.

In the animal kingdom, when we see a mother cat risk life and limb for her kittens, we are witnessing the quality of love, albiet an instinctual loving. And while humans are capable of greater feats of love, they are also capable of greater feats of evil. Animals might do something horrible out of short-term self-preservations and preprogrammed instinct, but humans misuse of advanced forethought and ingenuity.

Steve Cook said...

Let's not forget cats. Cats are nice.

Anonymous said...

I would never try dog food to encourage my dog to eat it (EEUUUWW), but the lady does have a point. My dog always wanted a taste of whatever I was eating, even vegetables. I'd give him a bite and he'd spit it out and then look at me like, "Well, the next bite must be better." I like that about dogs -- they never give up hope.

Short Pump Hag

Steve Cook said...

Hey Hag, I bet your dog is saying, "Hags are like that. They never give up hope. They keep reading his blog thinking that the next one is bound to be better."

I realize I hadn't mentioned squirrels. Squirrels are nice too, even though they're just rats with a good publicity agent.

Anonymous said...

SP Hag here again. You scare me Steve. We think alike in some ways. I have always thought squirrels were rats with fluffy tails trying to escape the rodent stigma by looking and acting cute. It doesn't work with me. Still don't like rodents of any description, except beavers are kinda cute.

Anonymous said...

I love squirrels and I feed them on my deck several days a week. The only time I didn't like them was when a momma squirrel chewed through my attic window and had a few babies running around in there (which drove my cats crazy!). I had to pay several hundred dollars in rodent removal and a new attic window with a mesh screen over it to prevent further invasions.

Some of the stuff I feed my cats in the morning smells good enough to eat, or maybe it's because I am so hungry at 7 am.......anyway, I do share my salmon or mackerel cakes with my cats when I make them, and they really appreciate that!

Take care!!! Darby

PS to the Short Pump Hag - A coworker calls squirrels tree rats, which I thought was cute, although I don't think real rats are cute, especially the 2-legged kind!

Anonymous said...

Let us not forget poor Elaine, sph and darby. We are so caught up in the animal rights that we have overlooked her anthropomoronism. Why, that might be the very reason they have poisoned the cat food, in hopes of developing a similar disease in animals. Wonder what causes it in humans like Elaine? Good genes, tuna melts, kosher dish detergent?

Anonymous said...

Darby -- I WAS married to a two-legged rat once and didn't enjoy the experience. Maybe that fed my aversion to rodents in general (except for beavers). Your comment has brought out the horrible suppressed memories!!! AWWWGGHHHH!!! But I forgive you seeing as you were married to a LARGER two-legged rat!!! But we both escaped alive.

SP Hag

Steve Cook said...

Beavers WERE cute, until you all have informed me that they're rodents. I always thought they were in the big-toothed dog family.
That's what they taught me at Acme Home Correspondence School. And I got their 3-D diploma hanging on my wall to prove it.