Thursday, May 04, 2006

That's Deweese De Cookie Crumbles

Well, I just got some bad news. I received a personalized mass email from Mac Watson, host of WRVA’s (1140 AM in Richmond) afternoon drive show, which oddly enough bears his name. Seems Watson’s producer, Dave Deweese, is leaving the show to go to Albany. That's too bad. I had wanted to do an article about Dave. I guess now I'll have more room to write about the Maymont bears.
Anyway, Watson mentions Albany in passing, and to be honest, I’m not sure if he means Albany, New York or Albany, Georgia, or some other Albany.My guess is that he means some other Albany, because I’m not sure the New York and Georgia Albanies even have radio stations.
Of course, Mac’s newsletter conveniently omits any mention of what DeWeese will be doing in Albany. From all I know, he might be doing time. Mac is very vague about this whole DeWeese thing, and that just leads me to speculate.
Is Mac somewhat surrpetitiously trying to ship Deweese out of here, out of the public eye, here in Richmond? I’m not saying anything, I’m just saying that I’ve watched all those Dateline sting shows, and, well, maybe I’m just a little suspicious.
Of course, it could be something much more innocent. Perhaps Mac is just a wee bit jealous of all the attention his producer is getting. Oh, they can pretend to enjoy one another on the air, but, I for one, am not so easily fooled.
Ever since I was (as Mayor Governor Wilder says) tragedized by the Lewis and Martin split up, I’m not so gullible to believe that big stars with big egos can really tolerate other talented folk who invade their turf.
So, maybe Deweese got tired of Watson trying to take up more than his share of the local spotlight. Watson comes to town, and the next thing you know, it’s the Mac Watson Show…not even the Mac Watson Show, starring Dave Deweese. One thing for sure, Mac’s ego is not as diminutive as the talk show host is in statue. I may not have worded that right, but honestly, I’m not interested enough in this column to rewrite it.
I wish I had known about this brewing feud between Watson and Deweese. I think we could have offered Dave a job here at our company. Especially if we ever decide to change directions and aim our magazines at acid dropping ex-head banging hippies from the generations past.
Deweese seems to have near-encyclopedic knowledge of every drugged-out has-been band in America. Well, I guess it’s good to be good at something.
I hear they’re having some sort of farewell show down at Old City Bar in Shockoe Bottom this afternoon. I’m going to have to come up with some sort of an excuse to get down there. I hope there’s no Braves game in Shockoe this afternoon. Parking will be such a bear, especially when you add in the crowds at the Slave Museum.
I want to see what Deweese looks like. It’s not that I have some sort of a schoolboy crush on him, but I just like to match voices with faces.
Mac looks exactly like he sounds…Ray Combs’ afterbirth. But, I’m not sure about Deweese. I get some sort of Vic Damone vibe when I hear him. I guess this will be my last chance to check it out.
Whatever he looks like, all seriousness aside, he will be missed. And, while I hate to ever say anything nice, Watson does one of the best afternoon shows WRVA has ever aired, since they went all talk, but Deweese adds another dimension to the show that will be sorely missed.


Anonymous said...

I haven't listened to the radio much lately, and never venture over to loudmouth radio-- I mean AM. So I have no idea who these guys are.

Speaking of drugs, let's not forget though that one of the most drugged-out entertainers there ever was: a little known singer named Presely.

And lets not forget the lying hypocrite somewhere on the AM dial, who got off this week easy. If that were the average guy...

Steve Cook said...

Let's not be in a Rush to judgement