Wednesday, June 28, 2006

TV Broad Casting

Well, I'm no Michael Ausiellio. I'm straight. But, I do have some exciting TV news. Okay, it's not really all that exciting, and it's not actually news. But I do have some things to say about television.
First of all...I caught a portion of Last Comic Standing. Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't the word "comic" used to have the connotation of someone who was funny? These people last night were pathetic. And, it's not just the wannabe stand-up comedian in me rearing his ugly head. Even if I weren't the envious, jealous type, I still wouldn't have found anything funny about the two "comedians" I saw on the show.
One was a woman. First of all, women should not attempt comedy. I know that will iritate many of you, but there are very, very few women who can pull it off. But, like so many comics, this gal last night obviously thinks that mentioning parts of the human anatomy is good for a laugh. Hey lady (and I use that term loosely), you're not funny. Ha Ha. You said the word (CENSORED). That's a riot. I ain't never heard no lady say that word before. Guffaw.
The guy I heard, who was thankfully voted off, started off clean...humorless, but clean. Then, right at the end he got bleeped. I could figure out what he had bleeped, but it still wasn't funny. Since these idiots are doing a network TV show, don't they have enough self-control or confidence in their ability to create humor, than to use expletives?
On to other news, I am now into day 20,271 of having not watched The View. Just when you think it's safe to go back - ie Meredith Vieira's departure - they go and hire Rosie O'Donnell. If anyone could make me long to see Meredith Vieira, it would be Rosie O'Donnell. It's not because of her orientation, if you know what I'm trying to say. I really enjoy Ellen DeGeneris. It's the fact that she's...well, she's Rosie O'Donnell, who happens to be one of the most obnoxious, disgusting humans ever to appear on television.
I mean think about it. If Rosie O'Donnell can drive someone like Star Jones off the show, how hideous must she be. And, no, her ability to exterminate Star from the show does not bring her up enough in my opinion that I'd ever want to see her bloated mug.
I did see The View once. I wasn't able to watch TV at all for a month afterwards. Does anyone really think watching a bunch of egotisitical women sitting around talking about themselves makes for interesting television? I don't.
Now, in case I seem hardened, I want to say that I did watch the Everwood series finale and cried like a baby. I'm glad no one was around when I was watching. I didn't just have a tear or two slip out of my eye, I wept openly, longly, and loudly. I don't want to seem hardened, but I also don't want to come across like some emotional old man, but I hadn't cried that much since I watched Mr. Holland's Opus. It's really not fair for those television writers to manipulate us that way.
Everwood was a kind, gentle show with what I felt were pretty real emotions. Not that I know much about real emotions. I'd have to say, in sitting here and thinking about it, that the only thing I've seen recently that was sadder than Everwood's final episode, was last night's Last Comic Standing. Now, that really was sad.


Anonymous said...

I remember watching Ellen's routine, I laughed so hard it hurt. The only other time I laughed harder was during Monty Python's Mr. Smokestoomuch routine.

The good thing about Rosie was she stuck it to Tom Selleck about his involvement in his murder-weapon lobby. Don't get me wrong, I am a fan of Magnum PI, just not a fan of nonfictional weapons--ready for them to be all melted into something more useful...

Anonymous said...

I have to agree with you on the view- going on 9 years?? wow.
But women don't make good comics? Now I'm offended. And I don't get offended easily. I guess you've been watching the wrong ones!