Wednesday, July 26, 2006

You Know You're a Norse Heathen...If Your Church Service Ends With A Lethal Injection

I was in the men's room at Ukrop's today. I know that, in itself, is not fascinating. As one rapidly approaching senior citizen's status, I find myself in the men's room at many locations around town. Well, when I say I find myself, I don't mean that I regain consciousness and discover that's where I am. I went in their on my own volition.
Anyway, I knew the Ukrop's family is somewhat a corporate bumper sticker for their religious convictions, but, even so, I was a tad suprised to see that they had etched on the restroom stall the statement, "Jesus saves." Interestingly, below that, someone else (I'm presuming) had etched: "And you can Food Lion."
I'd been thinking about religion lately. There are some strange ones out there. What got me on that mindset is the story about Michael Lenz. He's the Virginia death-row inmate who's about to be lethally injected for killing a fellow inmate during a religious ritual. Seems the fellow inmate - the dead one - was a backslider. He wasn't serving his Norse gods in the manner that the other inmate - the amost dead one - thought he should.
The way I look at it, those Norse god religions are kinda backwoodsy compared to some of the world's major religions. I mean, think about it - the major religions kill hundreds, if not thousands of people at a time in the name of religion. These Norse heathenists can only muster one person, and a prisoner at that. If you ask me, it's kind of like shooting fish in a barrel.
I'll have to remember to ask my old friend Lochru more about this the next time I see him.
There are other interesting religions, that, at first glance might seem a little strange. For instance, there's the Frisbeeterians. They believe that when you die, your soul goes up on the roof and you can't get it down.
I think if I were going to choose a cult, I'd be partial to the Sandersria. This is a little-known religion found in the southeastern part of the United States. Their major practice, and the one that draws in the most converts, involves sacrificing a chicken, then frying it up with several delicious herbs and spices and serving with mashed potatoes and biscuits. Devotees follow that up with a two-hour sleep-like state in the middle of a Sunday afternoon.
If you ask me, that's a lot more enjoyable than having to go out and kill people. With my luck, I'd end up killing the wrong guys. But, when it comes to ingesting a fried chicken, you can hardly go wrong. I've never, to my recollection, eaten a chicken I didn't like.
Well, I hope I'm not sounding like a religious fanatic here. Keep in mind, I'm not a practicing Sandersria. And, with clogged arteries, I'm not about to go headlong into the movement. But, hey, once in a while, a nugget or two sure can't hurt.

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