Friday, August 11, 2006

To Errrrrrrrr is Human - by Becky Robinette Wright

Becky Wright is our normally sane writer for Chesterfield Living Magazine. Today, however, she's just a tad bit upset. I've invited her to use this space to vent. So, here goes:

Errrrrrr,errrrrrr,errrrrrr… no, that’s not the sound of my klunker trying to start in the torrents of a rainstorm or in a winter wind howling with huge drifts of snow blowing in mounds around me. It’s not the sound of my klunker after a blistering journey across the desert heaving its last sigh.

Please excuse me, I’m growling, not something I usually do in public.

Do you have any personal Pet Peeves? Just for the record here are a few of mine. 1)Telemarketers. 2)Telemarketers. 3)Telemarketers. 4)Calling a business and a computer answers. 5)Calling a business and being put on hold by a machine. 6)Telemarketers. 7)Telemarketers who call extremely early or late.

This morning, on a rare occasion I wasn't up yet, the phone rings...Loudly.I wasn't ready for loudly yet. Because of the time frame I figured it was one of my kids and jumped up to answer. Caller ID said unknown, I should have picked up on not to answer.

As a victim suffering from Sleep Deprivation from Overworkation,I answered. Besides, you just never know. What if one of the kids has broken down, the cell phone is in a dead zone and who knows what else they could be challenged with? My offspring could be using someone else's phone...parental instincts kick in and I answer anyway.

Telemarketers have risen to a new low.

Stifling a yawn, trying to unstick my eyes, I answer.


Them: Thank you for calling so and so....all of our customer service representatives are busy, please hold.

Me: PLEASE HOLD?????? They called me!! And it was a computer voice no less (unless now we have women who speak with a electronic accent).Please hold???

Oh,I was going to hold okay, for this call anyway. When the living, breathing human finally came to the phone we had a little "discussion" on their selling tactics. I'll leave it at that. where is that bed???

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